Overview - Job Launcher

The Job Launcher is a tool for "launching a job"—submitting a calculation to a computer for processing. In the Job Launcher you will specify the machine details needed to launch the job. These details or launch parameters include

A job is a single calculation for which launch parameters have been defined. In the Job Launcher, you can either launch the job immediately or save the job and launch it later. The Job Launcher window contains a machines list for selecting a computer and a setup area for specifying the launch parameters.

The Job Launcher can also display jobs that have already been submitted or completed, so launch parameters may be viewed for a previously run calculation. Imported calculations are not displayable in the Job Launcher since they have no launch information.

Key Concepts: Calculations can be launched and run only on UNIX or Linux computers that have been registered as Ecce machines. For any Ecce machine that you wish to use, you can define a personal machine configuration (default launch parameters for that computer). For any calculation that you wish to launch on that configured machine, you can either use those default launch parameters or override them by specifying different launch parameters in the Job Launcher window. Updated machine configurations are shared between the Job Launcher and the Calculation Manager immediately.

How to... Configure an Ecce Machine with Default Launch Parameters

Starting the Job Launcher

Ways to request the Job Launcher:

Another way to place a calculation in the Job Launcher is to drag a calculation from the Calculation Manager. If the Job Launcher window already contains a calculation and you request it again (or drag & drop) for a different calculation, the Job Launcher will ask if you want to save the current launch parameters before proceeding with the new job.

To start a separate instance of the Job Launcher for a new job in a separate window, shift-click on either the Job Launcher menu option (in the Calculation Manager) or the Launch button (in the Calculation Editor).

The following items briefly describe elements of the Job Launcher window.

Menu Bar

Each of the menus on the menu bar can be "torn off" as an independent window that remains visible while you work. To "tear-off" a menu, open the menu by clicking on the menu title and then choose the dashed line that separates the menu title from the menu options.
Tip: Open any menu from the keyboard by using the Alt+underlined letter combination (for example, Alt+h opens the Help menu). Then select a menu option by pressing the letter that corresponds to the option.

- Job Menu

The Job Menu includes the main options for saving and staging your work in the Job Launcher.

Save Job Save all launch parameters as part of the current calculation. The calculation can be launched later by placing it in the Job Launcher and using the Launch button. (If the job launch parameters are different from those in the default machine configuration, then the job parameters will override the default machine configuration parameters for that computer. )
Tip: To save a job without using the menu, just click on the "save work" icon in the window footer. Save Work Icon
Register Machines Open a separate window to register a new machine to run Ecce jobs.
Configure Machine Access... Open a separate window for specifying or modifying your personal machine configuration (default launch parameters) for the machine selected in the machines list. This machine configuration is a time-saving record of default preferences that is independent of any calculation. Whenever you select a computer from the list of User Configured Machines, those defaults automatically appear in the Job Launcher's setup area. You can always override this default configuration for individual calculations by changing the job launch parameters and using Save Job.
Save Machine Preference Save the settings you have selected for your job launch parameters.
Stage Job Launch

Starts a remote xterm window in the calculation run directory. This allows you to modify any necessary files, including the job submission script by adding or changing directives that may be required on a certain machine but not currently supported by Ecce. This is similar to the Final Edit feature for the calculation editor, except that any file can be modified and any changes will not be stored within the Ecce data management system.

Finish Staged Launch Submits the staged job and starts the monitoring process.
Quit Close the Job Launcher window.
Tip: To end an Ecce session and close all tool windows at once, close the Gateway. If you have unsaved work that is in progress and critical to the definition of a calculation, Ecce will ask whether you want to save your work before quitting. The Job Launcher will not exit when you quit Ecce from the Gateway while a job is currently being launched. It will immediately exit when it is safe to do so after the job launch is done and monitoring has been started.

- Help Menu

The Help menu provides access to this online help and enables you to supply feedback about your experience with Ecce.
Help on this tool Show online help information for this tool or window.
Support Display a form for providing support requests to your onsite Ecce representative or adminstrator about problems, questions, or other comments.
Note: Although your onsite Ecce administrator should be your first choice for problems and questions, you may address feedback or suggestions to the Ecce development team at ecce-support@emsl.pnl.gov.

Machines List

The machines list on the left side of the Job Launcher window contains the names of computers that you might select for running a calculation job. The machines list may contain either a list of all Ecce registered computers or a list of computers for which you have already defined default launch parameters (User Configured Machines). These two lists are selectable from the Machines toggle button above the machines list.

All Machines List all Ecce registered machines. Although all machines are listed, you can launch only from a machine that supports the code required for the calculation. If you choose a machine that does NOT support the required code, the Launch button in the Job Launcher appears disabled (grayed out)
Configured Machines List User Configured Machines that can support the code associated with the selected calculation. If a calculation is placed in the launcher and the machine associated with that calculation --the default machine-- does NOT have the code available to run the calculation, then a message will inform you. You can then select from the User Configured Machines list a computer that can support the code specified for the calculation.
Tip: To check the default machine of a calculation, use the Calculation Manager. From the Calculation Manager's View menu, choose Calculation Label and mark the Machine option. The default machine then appears in the calculation label. To get information about the status of each machine, use the Machine Browser.

When you click on a computer name in the machines list, any information available for that computer appears in the launch parameters setup area on the right side of the Job Launcher window. Additional informaiton may be necessary to complete the launch parameters.

Launch Parameters Setup Area

When the Job Launcher opens, this setup area contains all available launch parameters for the current calculation. This information is either default machine information or job information that has already been saved.

Note: If a launch parameter is disabled (grayed out), it means that the computer specified by the "Machine Name" does not require that particular parameter.
  Remote Machine Information
  This information allows Ecce to get remote access to the Ecce registered machines on which you have accounts. Enter your account information for the machine on which the calculation will be run--whether it is really "remote" or not. If you have already configured default launch parameters for the run machine, then the remote machine information that you specified will appear in these fields. You can modify this information here for specific calculations—or in the Configure Machine window to change the defaults.

Launch Button

The Launch button appears disabled (grayed out) until the launch parameters for a calculation have been specified completely. When you click on the Launch button, the Job Launcher

If the launch is successful, the state of the calculation becomes "submitted." If there is a problem with the launch parameters or with the launch process, the Job Launcher displays a message in the message area and stops the launch from proceeding further.

Note: Job exit status is now accurately determined by eccejobmaster from the eccejobstore return value. The number of automatic job monitoring restarts is conditionalized based on the time between restarts. Five monitoring restarts in less than 60 seconds is recognized as a fatal condition where monitoring aborts. Rapid successive restarts indicate that the job is hitting the same problem each time, and that continued restart attempts will likely fail as well.

Window Footer

At the bottom of the window is a footer that may display the following status information:

More about... Items in the Ecce Window Footer
  Legend of Calculation Run States in the Calculation Manager
How to... Drag & Drop with the Mouse

Ecce Online Help
Revised: April 28, 2004